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Free analytics with Fathom on Fly.io

As I’m interested in the number of visitors my own websites are seeing, I need some basic analytics tooling. By setting up my own instance of Fathom Lite, the open-source version of Fathom Analytics, I think I can do this in a fairly privacy-preserving way.

Fathom Lite offers a pre-built Docker image. This is great if you don’t enjoy following installation instructions consisting of more than one bullet point.

But where to deploy this image? While being able to use AWS, Azure and Google Cloud in my client projects, I try to avoid them whenever possible. As I’m not really experienced with any of their Configuration as Code solutions, deploying a Docker image and assigning a custom domain would include 25 steps in either of their fun admin UIs.

Meet Fly.io:

Fly.io runs apps close to users. We transmogrify Docker containers into Firecracker micro-VMs that run on our hardware around the world, and connect all of them to a global Anycast network that picks up requests from around the world and routes them to the nearest VM.

They had me at transmogrify. But what I actually like the most about it: Deploying an image like the Fathom one takes about a minute (assuming flyctl has been installed and your are logged in).

Basic setup

  1. Create the application:

    flyctl launch --image usefathom/fathom

    This will prompt us for a name and a region. The result is a configuration file with the following content:

    kill_signal = "SIGINT"
    kill_timeout = 5
    processes = []
      image = "usefathom/fathom"
      allowed_public_ports = []
      auto_rollback = true
      http_checks = []
      internal_port = 8080
      processes = ["app"]
      protocol = "tcp"
      script_checks = []
        hard_limit = 25
        soft_limit = 20
        type = "connections"
          force_https = true
          handlers = ["http"]
          port = 80
          handlers = ["tls", "http"]
          port = 443
          grace_period = "1s"
          interval = "15s"
          restart_limit = 0
          timeout = "2s"
  2. Deploy the application:

    flyctl deploy

    We can access it via APPLICATION_NAME.fly.io.

  3. Now we want to assign a custom domain. We do that by adding a CNAME record to the domain with a value of APPLICATION_NAME.fly.io 1 and then creating a certificate:

    flyctl certs create CUSTOM_DOMAIN
  4. Time to bring out the champagne: Our Docker image is deployed to our custom domain.

Frank raising a glass in the 'Always Sunny' episode of 'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia'


As we don’t want our analytics data to be public (everyone would be jealous of our dozens of visitors per year), we need to create an admin user in Fathom. To do this, we connect via SSH and execute their script:

flyctl ssh console
> cd /app
> ./fathom user add --email="EMAIL" --password="PASSWORD"

Now we will be greeted with a login when accessing Fathom:

Screenshot of Fathom Lite showing a login prompt

Data persistence

Our current setup has a tiny issue: The analytics data is not persistent. By default, the Fathom Lite image creates an SQLite database in /app/fathom.db. So whenever the app is redeployed, we lose our data. But instead of hooking up a MySQL or Postgres database, we’ll just make the SQLite database is (semi-)persistent. Fly.io has a great solution for this: Volumes.

  1. Let’s create a volume in the same region where we set up our app 2:

    fly volumes create fathom_data --region REGION --size 1
  2. Mount the volume into our image by adding the following lines to fly.toml:

      source = "fathom_data"
      destination = "/app-temp"
  3. Redeploy:

    flyctl deploy
  4. Copy everything from /app to /app-temp:

    flyctl ssh console
    > cp -R /app/. /app-temp

    This will copy the fathom executable and the fathom.db SQLite database to our mounted volume.

  5. Change the mounting destination in fly.toml:

      source = "fathom_data"
      destination = "/app"
  6. Redeploy:

    flyctl deploy

That’s it! Our data will live through redeployments.

Download database

Now the “semi” part of (semi-)persistent is really important. As written in their announcement:

Right now, for raw Fly volumes, resilience is your problem. There! I said it!

There are snapshots from the last five days. As I don’t care too much about my analytics data, I can live with this level of resilience. But I might create the occasional offline backup.

To back up something from our volume, we use scp or a GUI like Transmit. If you are like me and did not read the WireGuard manual, you might want do this via a proxy:

  1. Issue SSH credentials and create the proxy:

    flyctl ssh issue --agent
    flyctl proxy 10022:22
  2. Download SQLite database:

    scp -P 10022 root@localhost:/app/fathom.db .

Now we are prepared for the occasional data loss.

Charlie dressed with what he imagines would be survival gear in episode of 'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia'


Fly.io’s free plan has got us covered here.

Random notes

Photo credits: FX Networks and Yarn.


  1. See details and alternatives to CNAME in the documentation.

  2. In case you forgot: Use flyctl status or the Fly.io admin UI to find the region your app is currently deployed in.